French Adventure Language Course


My French Adventure is an online French course designed for children between 5 and 10 years old. It is the ideal course to introduce children to the basics of French. How does a baby acquire language? Through playing and singing. My French adventure takes this approach in order to teach kids French.


My French Adventure is an online French course designed for children between 5 and 10 years old. It is the ideal course to introduce children to the basics of French. How does a baby acquire language? Through playing and singing. My French adventure takes this approach in order to teach kids French.

There are 50 lessons that consist of introducing the subject matter and then practising it in The French Adventure. The 50 lessons amount to a total time of 4 hours.

There is also a workbook full of fun activities to use alongside the lessons.

These activities include:

  • colouring pages,
  • cutting out,
  • and reading.

After this course children will  know:

  • how to greet in French;
  • how to introduce themselves;
  • how to count to 30;
  • how to name different colours;
  • and a lot more!

Your child will be introduced to different vocabulary themes such as:

  • certain food and drinks;
  • family members;
  • some animal names;
  • Adjectives such as beautiful, pretty, big, small, hot, cold…
  • and important verbs.

He/she will meet different characters that will help them remember important vocabulary. All of this happens while singing, using your imagination and having fun. If you want to introduce your child to the basics of French conversation, then this course is perfect for you.

Who is the course for?

  • Children
  • Kids between the ages of 5 to 10
  • Beginner French speakers

Let the adventure begin!