It’s A Snake!

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Oh no — it’s a snake! Okay, not really — it’s just Ryan being very clever with a long cardboard tube. There is so much you can do with them. In this example, Ryan taped one end together, added black dot eyes and a little red tongue that she cut from construction paper. She was very proud of herself coming into my office and trying to scare me!

Cardboard tubes offer so many opportunities for creativity. If you have lots of them leftover from gift wrap, be sure to save them. After all, they can be talking devices if you hold it near your mouth and talk through it into someone’s ear. They can be telescopes for peering into all kinds of places. How about tools to form letters on the floor … or to make a bridge or giant highway through your house! Open your child’s mind to all the creative opportunities — especially on a cold day (like we have today) when she might be stuck indoors.